Well, I am guessing if you are here, then you've stumbled onto one of the many topics I have shown interest in. A bit about me: my name is Will (to some) and Jonah (to others). There is a long story about this, but let's just say I have a work-family separation. I'm a 20-year retired veteran turned software developer, but more importantly, a lifelong learner and enthusiast. Living with ADHD has taught me to harness my energy by starting new projects and pursuing multiple passions. This blog is where I try to corral my interests. It's both a personal knowledge base and a platform to share my passions with like-minded individuals who might appreciate them. Whether you're interested in AI, containerization, game development, or tabletop gaming – or perhaps more obscure topics like conspiracy theories (yes, I've got some interesting ones!) or lasers and 3d printing/crafting – you'll find something that resonates. As someone who's constantly exploring new ideas and projects, my focus can shift quickly. But one thing remains constant: my desire to learn, create, and share. You might catch me tinkering with code, building a 3D printer, or working on a tabletop game design. Maybe you'll find inspiration in my successes or laughter in my failures – either way, I'm glad you're here. As a father of four, my family has learned to appreciate the unpredictable nature of my pursuits. My kids have grown accustomed to seeing their dad's latest projects scattered around the house (often with wires and parts strewn about). When I'm not fixing things or building something new, you can find me making music with Logic Pro, designing models in Blender, or simply enjoying time with my family. I hope that you will find something here that will help you join me on this journey as I share my projects, successes, and (yes) failures. I'll be posting updates on everything from software development to crazy thoughts on conspiracy, with a dash of humor and personality thrown in. Grab a drink, get comfortable, and let's explore the chaotic log of my brain together!