Laser Project: Updates to the Gantry

Wednesday, April 10th 2024

Hey everyone, welcome back! It's been an exciting journey so far with my custom CNC laser project. If you've been following along, you know it's not just about building something new - it's also about overcoming the challenges that come with it.

Recently, I ran into a problem with the gantry (that's the part that moves around). The weight of all the components was putting too much stress on one side, and I had to think of a creative solution. After some brainstorming, I decided to add an extra cart to both sides. This made it easier for everything to move smoothly without putting too much pressure on any one spot.

I'm not going to lie, making this change wasn't easy. It meant taking apart the gantry and reassembling it with the new carts in place. But like any DIY project, it's all part of the fun!

Now that I've made this adjustment, my focus is shifting to getting everything back together. This means putting the cable chain in place, mounting the electrical components, and making sure everything is working smoothly.

It won't be long before this laser cutter will come alive! Until then, stay tuned for more updates on my progress.

If you're just catching up, don't worry - I've got all the previous posts linked here. And as always, I'll be sharing plenty of photos to show off my latest creations.